This is kind of a big deal.
*See sale details
Schwartz And Wade
What Is a Refugee?
by Gravel, Elise
Margaret's Unicorn
Low Stock
by Smith, Briony May
The Girl Who Wouldn't Brush Her Hair
by Bernheimer, Kate
Little Taco Truck
by Valentine, Tanya
The Oldest Student: How Mary Walker Learned to Read
by Hubbard, Rita Lorraine
The Secret Subway
by Corey, Shana
A Hat for Mrs. Goldman: A Story About Knitting and Love
by Edwards, Michelle
Violet and Daisy: The Story of Vaudeville's Famous Conjoined Twins
by Miller, Sarah
Library Binding
Stand Up! Speak Up! A Story Inspired by the Climate Change Revolution
by Joyner, Andrew
We Are a Garden: A Story of How Diversity Took Root in America
by Peters, Lisa Westberg
Little Mole's Wish
by Kim, Sang-Keun
Harold Loves His Woolly Hat
by Kousky, Vern
Mistletoe: A Christmas Story
by Hills, Tad
Night Walk to the Sea: A Story About Rachel Carson, Earth's Protector
by Wiles, Deborah
Digging for Words: Jose Alberto Gutierrez and the Library He Built
by Kunkel, Angela Burke
Kate, Who Tamed The Wind
by Scanlon, Liz Garton
Vote for Our Future!
by McNamara, Margaret
Paper Son: The Inspiring Story of Tyrus Wong, Immigrant and Artist
by Leung, Julie
A Letter to My Teacher
by Hopkinson, Deborah
Mother Jones and Her Army of Mill Children
by Winter, Jonah
Emmanuel's Dream: the True Story of Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah
by Thompson, Laurie Ann
Sun and Moon Have a Tea Party
by Heo, Yumi
The Pink Hat